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Public Health Matters: Walmart is Elevating Specialty Pharmacy Services and Enriching HIV Care

Tune into this episode of “Public Health Matters” to hear how Walmart is leveraging its network to provide HIV care and specialty pharmacy services and how integrating community pharmacy outreach is significant for patients.

Independents, Community Pharmacies Can Get Involved in Tobacco Cessation Programs

Having the authority to prescribe nicotine replacement therapies does not mean that pharmacists are getting involved in these programs, so ongoing research is investigating how to create sustainable models with greater pharmacist involvement.

Public Health Matters Video: Walmart is Elevating Specialty Pharmacy Services and Enriching HIV Care

Tune into this episode of “Public Health Matters” to hear how Walmart is leveraging its network to provide HIV care and specialty pharmacy services and how integrating community pharmacy outreach is significant for patients.

Pharmacist Spotlight: Cassandra Esperant, PharmD, AAHIVP
Pharmacy Focus: What to Know About Medication and Summer Travel

Jeffrey Goad discusses key considerations for travelers regarding medications, maintaining medication schedules across time zones, ensuring proper vaccinations, and the importance of consulting health care professionals before international trips.

Supporting Community Pharmacy Advocacy Across State Associations and McKesson Partnerships

McKesson and state associations are advocating for community pharmacies through initiatives like McKesson Amplify that support advocacy work.

Pharmacists Enhance Patient Care Through Medication Titration and Lifestyle Support

Pharmacists can play a crucial role in diabetes management by implementing standing order protocols for medication titration and serving as a bridge between patients and other health care providers.

Giants of MS Awards Recognize Pharmacist’s Contributions to the Field

Jacqueline Bainbridge from the University of Colorado discussed what it meant to one of the recipients of the 2024 Giants of MS awards.

Pharmacists Can Educate Patients on Medication-Induced Photosensitivity, Sun Protection This Summer

Pharmacists are leveraging tools, campaigns, and free samples to educate patients about medication-induced photosensitivity and the importance of sun protection.

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